

Is it truly interesting and to the point? Is there fresh content in every issue?
Are the articles short? Most people have an attention span that is very short, so make sure your articles fit the bill.

Don’t be afraid to use lots of interesting graphics. They are important because they grab attention.

Organize your newsletters. Make sure you design your newsletters in an organized format. Use headings and subheadings, lines and bulleted lists. Keep everything structured. If your content is badly organized, it will confuse your readers and make you look sloppy.

Use lists. Bulleted lists are easiest for readers. Putting part of the content into list form will make it stand out.

Give free advice. Customers love free advice, and if it relates to your firm, then your newsletters will be even stronger and influential. Readers like information that helps them improve their lives somehow.

Embrace white space! Many businesses fill up every available space to pack in as much as possible. But white space is what makes text and pages readable, so leave plenty white space.

Another useful element is a calendar. Adding a calendar will make it useful to readers. Adapt a calendar according to your newsletter schedule – weekly, a monthly, etc. Because many readers use the calendar for a range of requirements, your newsletter will be used often.

Newsletters allow you to include offers. All your newsletters should ideally include a range of added value benefits for readers. Include a discount or special offer that readers the impression that opening the newsletter was worth their while.