Pangolin Diamonds Botswana Garnets Find May Indicate Kimberlite Pipe

Canadian explorer Pangolin Diamonds has discovered high-pressure garnets that could indicate one or more diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes on its Tsabong North project in Botswana.

The firm said that independent lab analysis showed a considerable number of high-pressure garnets associated with the diamond stability field – the area of the earth’s layer with the heat and pressure needed to produce diamonds.

The drilling program is ongoing and additional results are expected soon, with additional drill-core samples to be sent to an independent laboratory in the coming weeks for testing.

“Over my 30 years of diamond exploration in Botswana, I have never personally seen such a high concentration of garnets, including high-pressure garnets, in a drill core sample area of this size,” said Pangolin chairperson Leon Daniels.

The company reported that the extent of the garnets from the drill core was similar to that of the DK2 kimberlite pipe in the Orapa kimberlite field at De Beers' Letlhakane mine.

The explorer owns 11 prospecting licenses, including the Tsabong North, Jwaneng South, Malatswae and Mmadinare projects.