The yin yang symbol has been popular as an element in jewelry for many years. The innovation here is that it is being offered in a diamond - a classic symbol of love. In ancient Chinese philosophy the concept of yin and yang represents the two opposing forces of the universe. Yin, the dark side, is cool and feminine; yang is brighter and corresponds to light and the masculine. Yin is water, while yang is fire. The Yin Yang Diamond brings these two opposing sides together; and by juxtaposing 2 diamonds of 2 colors the composite shape creates the illusion of one whole that faithfully reproduces the ancient symbol. The Yin Yang Diamond can be worn together or in 2 separate ways – with each partner wearing a different color. The most popular combination is black and white, which reflects the traditional yin yang, but the branded cut is being offered in all colors.
Special Cut Diamond Shapes
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Yin Yang Diamond

Yin Yang – Rough Diamond Cuts
Rough diamonds (set in jewelry – before they are cut and polished) and unique polished diamonds can be seen on this internet site. All diamonds comply with UN Kimberley regulations and all international shipments come with Kimberley Certificates.

Youngman Ideals
Microscopic clarity. Two diamond cutting styles by Phillip Youngman. The Avalon Rose is a round cut. The Excalibur is square. Both are described as premium ideal cuts. Youngman has 3 patents in his name – one is round, another is square, and the third is hexagonal with an interesting faceted flower design on the pavilion.
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