Enjoy peace of mind with an Ultra Canadian Diamond. The authenticity is guaranteed with a certificate. The diamond is laser inscribed with a Canadian maple leaf to signify its authenticity as mined in Canada. Includes a certificate from European Gemological Laboratories. All diamonds purchased at an Ultra store are conflict-free. All of Ultra’s vendors sign affidavits affirming that all diamonds and diamond jewelry sold to Ultra Stores, Inc. are conflict-free and that the vendor supports the Kimberly Process.
Special Cut Diamond Shapes
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Kristall Smolensk has developed more than 80 unique fancy diamond cuts, including the Venus, a 10 sided cut that is exclusive to North Carolina based Reeds Jewelers. Venus cut diamonds have 81 facets and are laser inscribed with an identification number. Diamond Grading and Light Analysis Report.

Vera Wang is said to “create sparkle” with her new signature Feather Round diamond solitaire, a large round with an intricate stone design. She also offers a fan emerald cut diamond solitaire with baguettes.

Verrywinkle Princess is a variation of a standard princess with a different quantity and arrangement of facets. The corners do not come to a point but instead resemble the corners of a radiant cut.

The Verrywinkle Radiant is a variation of a standard radiant but with 84 facets arranged differently. Most people prefer the sparkle, brilliance, and fire in a Verrywinkle radiant over the traditional radiant cut. The diamonds are cut and polished in Netanya, Israel.

Verrywinkle Round (70 facets) is a variation of the standard 58 facets with a different arrangement of the facets. The diamond was designed by Moses Hodara, a close and trusted friend to Perrywinkle’s. Moses cuts the diamond in Netanya, Israel exclusively for Perrywinkle’s. Most people prefer the sparkle, brilliance, and fire in a Verrywinkle round over the traditional round brilliant when compared side-by-side.